When companies place their product on the market, it is understood the product is safe for its intended use. If you or a loved one has been harmed by an item you purchased—new or used—you may be entitled to compensation. Our Chattanooga product liability attorneys can help you understand your options and file a claim to recover fair compensation.
Berke, Berke & Berke has over 80 years of combined experience in products liability cases involving:
As with all personal injury cases, we take products liability claims on a contingency basis, meaning you pay nothing until we win you your rightful compensation by trial or settlement. We proudly serve clients in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Marion County, and all of Tennessee.
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Though new or used products should continue to work according to their designed function, it is possible for a product to be defective. If you have been injured, it is important to know how a product can be defective.
Products are defective in three possible ways:
For any of the above defects, the respective party will be held responsible if the defect existed when the consumer purchased the product. The defect must also be the cause of the injury or wrongful death.
It would be natural to assume product liability only pertaints to new products. However, with the rise of Ebay and similar websites allowing for instant buying of used products, a reseller possesses a duty to discover any clear flaws that could make a product dangerous, and either remedy the flaw or warn the buyer. If you have been injured by a secondhand, used item with a defect, you may be entitled to rightful compensation.
There are times where a defective product is harmful on such a wide scale that it is best for injured consumers to unite in a class action. The Chattanooga product liability lawyers at Berke, Berke & Berke has robust experience in products liability class actions.
If you have been injured and have received a notice of a pending class action for said product, we can provide legal advise whether you are best served remaining in the class action lawsuit, or by dropping out and pursuing your personal, legal action.